Some important tools which are useful in the house during rain (according Mumbai Based Rain)? 2024

 Here are some important tools that are useful in the house during rain in Mumbai:

  • Flashlight or Torch: During heavy downpours, power outages are a common occurence. Having a flashlight on hand will help you navigate your house safely in the dark.
  • Bucket and Mop: Monsoons in Mumbai can bring heavy showers that can sometimes cause leaks or overflowing drains. Having a bucket and mop on hand will help you clean up any excess water quickly and prevent any damage to your belongings.
  • Sturdy Umbrella: A sturdy umbrella is a must-have for anyone living in Mumbai during the monsoon season. Look for an umbrella with a strong frame and wind-resistant material to withstand the strong winds that often accompany the rain.
  • Leak Sealant: Having a tube of leak sealant on hand can be a lifesaver during the monsoon season. You can use it to seal up any small leaks that may develop around windows, doors, or pipes.
  • Drain Covers: Drain covers can help to prevent leaves, debris, and other materials from clogging your drains. This can help to prevent flooding in your home.
  • Rubber Boots: A good pair of rubber boots will come in handy if you need to wade through flooded streets or puddles.
  • Powerbank: A fully charged power bank can be a lifesaver during a power outage. It can keep your phone charged so that you can stay connected and informed.

In addition to these tools, it is also important to have a battery-powered radio on hand in case of power outages. You may also want to consider investing in some sandbags to help protect your home from flooding.

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